Uniform Sale
Wednesday 13 November 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm in the Courtyard
Designated Second Hand Uniform Drop Off Days: Monday 11, Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 November to Reception
Please note, we can no longer we cannot accept donations of uniform outside of these dates.
Christmas Market:
Our fabulous Christmas Market is on Sunday 1 December from 12-4pm. This is a wonderful time of year when our school community comes together to put on a fantastic event, and it works because of all the brilliant support from our parents.
Raffle prizes
Could you offer a raffle prize? Our raffle is always popular, with amazing hampers put together by parents, zoo experiences, spa treatments, days out and more. If you have a prize you would like to donate, please get in touch with i.cooper@stjamesschools.co.uk
There are still a few stallholder spaces left. If you are interested in holding a stall, or know someone who might be, please do get in touch with Izzy Cooper, i.cooper@stjamesschools.co.uk
There are so many fun things that we have at the Christmas Market, that we simply could not have if they weren’t sponsored including the mobile farm, some of the games and the Petting Zoo. If you or your business would be happy to sponsor an activity or entertainment, please contact Ellie: e.mello@stjamesschools.co.uk.
Match Funding
Have you thought about inquiring with your company about match funding? Many employers offer matching donations for employees who volunteer with charitable causes. It’s a fantastic way to amplify the funds raised from your section of the Market and make an even greater impact.
Wanted: Bottles, Chocolates, Soft Toys and Board Games
For our stalls, we are looking for donations of these. To be brought to the Development Office by Reception from Monday 18 November.
Decorating Team
The school looks so festive over the weekend because of the wonderful team of volunteers who help to decorate. If you would like to be involved, please sign up via volunteersignup.org/4QA43
At St James, we feel it is important to introduce our pupils to stillness and allow them to discover how to be inwardly free and deeply at ease within themselves. A short period of 5-10 minutes at the beginning and middle of every day is allocated to quietude in which pupils may meditate, contemplate or simply be still – according to their own spiritual inclinations.