Dear Parents
I have been so proud of the way that the Year 6 children have been coping with the stresses of the 11+ exams. They have stayed positive and calm, and their focus has been on supporting one another. Their resilience and courage have been wonderful to witness.
Congratulations to the Year 6 pupils who have taken the English-speaking Board exams; the results were just phenomenal, with some pupils getting full marks in their presentations. We will be sharing the results next week in our full newsletter.
The Class Dojo messaging system seems to be going well. If you have not yet signed up to it, then please do so as it enables you to have direct contact with the class teacher. If you need any support with signing up then please do let us know.
There is a possibility of two new clubs afterschool;
Animation – Join Sparks Film Schools to animate your own movies each week. Learn animation skills, techniques and processes as you design your own characters, create movements and build compelling narratives as you master the art of animation. Members will develop skills in art and design, teamwork, leadership, communication and storytelling. We’ll explore a range of animation techniques and ideas and create a unique animation each term.
Sparks have been running film and animation workshops since 2010, to find out more please head to www.sparksarts.co.uk
Filmmaking – Join Sparks Film Schools to call the shots on your own film set each week. Learn all about the professional film production process as you shoot, direct, crew, perform and edit in your own short film production each term. Members will develop skills in storytelling, visual composition, teamwork, leadership and communication. We’ll explore a range of filmmaking techniques and professional examples and create a unique film production each term.
Sparks have been running film and animation workshops since 2010, to find out more please head to www.sparksarts.co.uk
To show interest in either of these clubs, please do email Mrs. Clark on s.clark@stjamesprep.co.uk
I do hope that you have a happy and restful weekend.
Best wishes
Mrs. Wyatt
At St James, we feel it is important to introduce our pupils to stillness and allow them to discover how to be inwardly free and deeply at ease within themselves. A short period of 5-10 minutes at the beginning and middle of every day is allocated to quietude in which pupils may meditate, contemplate or simply be still – according to their own spiritual inclinations.