
Still Learning. Celebrating 50 years of St James. Find out more.

About St James Schools

St James Schools offers a distinctive approach to education which provides for the intellectual, emotional and spiritual development of every child.

Founded in 1975 by philosophically inclined parents, our three independent day schools offer a distinctive approach to education which provides for the intellectual, emotional and spiritual development of every child; they aim to provide an environment in which a child can discover all that is best within their own nature.

We actively support our pupils’ emotional wellbeing, incorporating mediative practices and fostering a positive school atmosphere built on mutual respect, trust and kindness.

Our schools enjoy enviable locations in London and Surrey: our Nursery, Preparatory School and Senior Girls’ School are close to Hammersmith, while the Senior Boys’ School occupies a stunning 33-acre site in Ashford, with great transport services from London.

Our Ethos

St James Schools offers an education which draws out and magnifies the unique talents inherent in every child. We provide a loving and caring environment based on integrity, mutual trust, respect and understanding, and seek to enrich the intellectual, emotional and spiritual development of all its pupils.

Each pupil is treated as an individual and is supported within an environment which develops a love of learning, awareness and consideration of the needs of others, and the talents, strength, wisdom and moral tenacity to offer themselves in a spirit of unselfish generosity for the benefit of humanity.

Uniquely St James

St James Schools’ Chaplain, The Revd Canon Dr Rob Marshall

“At the start of every academic year, I always look forward to what lies ahead: a series of regular assemblies forms the backdrop to a series of special events including a beginning of year service for all schools, harvest, remembrance, Christmas, Easter and leavers’ services.”

The Revd Canon Dr Rob Marshall
Read more on Father Rob’s association to St James Schools

Where next?


At St James, we feel it is important to introduce our pupils to stillness and allow them to discover how to be inwardly free and deeply at ease within themselves. A short period of 5-10 minutes at the beginning and middle of every day is allocated to quietude in which pupils may meditate, contemplate or simply be still – according to their own spiritual inclinations.

Learn more