Learn more about the Governors and Trustees of St James Schools
Jeremy’s three children went through St James. Two of his grandchildren are at St James. He was Chairman of M&C Saatchi plc and, prior to that, was Chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi plc, which he founded along with Maurice and Charles Saatchi in 1970. He is a copywriter by training. His work has won numerous national and international awards.
Jeremy has been a Trustee since 1999.
If you would like to contact Jeremy Sinclair – Chair of Trustees, please address your letter to him at: St James Schools, Earsby Street, London, W14 8SH.
Aatif is a former pupil of St James. He was an instructor with the St James Senior Boys’ School Combined Cadet Force (CCF) between 1997 and 2017 and also served as the Chairman of the St James alumni association between 2002 and 2006.
He is the founder and chairman of Cavendish Education (dyslexia & autism schools) and Dukes Education (mainstream independent schools and colleges group). Aatif is a qualified chartered accountant and has a British Army commission.
Aatif is the Vice-Chair of the board of Trustees and Chair of the Pay and Establishments Committee.
Qualifications: BSc (Hons), CA
Hugh is currently Administrator of the Education Renaissance Trust, an educational charity. He has worked in the charity sector since 1990, including for the Prince of Wales’s Business Leaders’ Forum, the research and public education NGO Saferworld, and the international development charity ActionAid. Before 1990, he worked for 20 years in the oil industry.
Qualifications: BSc (Sociology) London. MBA from Cranfield School of Management.
Helen is one of the first pupils from the inception of St James in 1975. She is married to Nicholas de Mattos (retired Classics teacher at St James). They have one son who completed his secondary education at St James Senior Boy’s School.
Formerly a secretary in the City with a firm of Chartered Accountants, Helen began her career in the grant-maintained state sector as a music specialist in 2000 where she was Head of Music. In 2002 she joined St James Senior Girls’ School under the leadership of Mrs Laura Hyde where she was made Head of Drama and PSHE until 2012. After completing a Masters’ degree at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama she then went on to become Director of Drama at Farnborough Hill Girls’ School. She has held that position since 2014.
Annabel is a former teacher and worked at the Senior Girls’ School for fifteen years where she taught A Level Economics, was Head of PSHE and Middle School and a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. She is currently working on developing educational resources. Annabel’s three children all attended St James from Reception through to Sixth Form.
Annabel is the designated Trustee responsible for Safeguarding, including Prevent and e-Safety and Chair of Governors, Olympia.
Qualifications: BA (Hons) Social Science, Middlesex University, MPhil, PGCE Institute of Education.
If you would like to contact Annabel Lubikowski, please address your letter to her at:
St James Schools, Earsby Street, London, W14 8SH.
To contact the Independent Educational Association Ltd, please send your letter to: IEAL, St James Schools, Earsby Street, W14 8SH, London.
Annabel is a former teacher and worked at the Senior Girls’ School for fifteen years where she taught A Level Economics, was Head of PSHE and Middle School and a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. She is currently working on developing educational resources. Annabel’s three children all attended St James from Reception through to Sixth Form.
Annabel is the designated Trustee responsible for Safeguarding, including Prevent and e-Safety and Chair of Governors, Olympia.
Qualifications: BA (Hons) Social Science, Middlesex University, MPhil, PGCE Institute of Education.
If you would like to contact Annabel Lubikowski, please address your letter to her at:
St James Schools, Earsby Street, London, W14 8SH.
Angela was married to the late Dr. Peter Bowman and is mother to 4 sons, all of whom attended St James. She qualified in Secondary Education and spent the first 12 years of her career in State Comprehensive Schools. She then joined St James under the Headship of Miss Sheila Caldwell, but in the Junior School. She remained a class teacher of this age group for 28 years. Angela now works for herself, supporting children with mild to moderate learning needs. She was governor for a Church of England school in the London Borough of Richmond for 10 years.
Angela serves on the Board of Governors, Olympia. She also is the governor responsible for EYFS.
Qualifications: BA (Hons), MPhil, PGCE
Mary has spent 28 years of her career in education, firstly as an English teacher in a boarding school, following that as a Head of Department in a girls’ independent school, and finally as part of the Innovation and Learning department of the Girls’ Day School Trust where she has a particular responsibility for pastoral care and safeguarding compliance.
Mary is the Nominated Safeguarding Governor for the Olympia board.
Qualifications: MA(Hons), Oxford University, PGCE University of North Wales, Bangor
Martin worked at St James Preparatory School from September 2007 to July 2020. He was Deputy Head of the Prep School from 2017 and was Acting Head teacher in 2020. His four children all attended St James. In addition to being a governor he is Chairperson of two charities and active in his parish church.
Martin is responsible for staff and pupil wellbeing.
Qualifications: BA Theology & Religious Studies (First Class), PGCE, PADI Divemaster.
Karen Pickles has enjoyed many years in a variety of HMC/IAPS and ISA/GSA schools in a variety of senior positions, including: Senior Housemistress, Deputy Head, Head of Faculty of the Arts and Director of Drama and Performing Arts and prior to this Head of KS2; she has taught and held senior positions during her career in schools from 4 – 18 years and in day and boarding environments.
Having originally trained as a classical dancer and then actress at recognised conservatoires; working both in performing arts and within the boarding community has extended her interest in both areas. She now works within the education sector and also within her own international guardianship business with pupils from many countries globally.
Qualifications: NPQH, BA (Hons) in Musical Theatre and Performance and BEd (Education)
Helen is one of the first pupils from the inception of St James in 1975. She is married to Nicholas de Mattos (retired Classics teacher at St James). They have one son who completed his secondary education at St James Senior Boy’s School.
Formerly a secretary in the City with a firm of Chartered Accountants, Helen began her career in the grant-maintained state sector as a music specialist in 2000 where she was Head of Music. In 2002 she joined St James Senior Girls’ School under the leadership of Mrs Laura Hyde where she was made Head of Drama and PSHE until 2012. After completing a Masters’ degree at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama she then went on to become Director of Drama at Farnborough Hill Girls’ School. She has held that position since 2014.
Dr Jane MacRae was a teacher of science for over 20 years, most of which was at St James Schools. Specialising in biology, she held a number of senior roles including Head of Science, Assistant Head of Sixth Form and Director of Studies. After leaving St James Senior Girls’ School in 2017 she founded a not-for-profit educational organisation, Bloom, to promote an understanding of nature, working mostly in state sector, inner city schools. The vision for Bloom is that young people be given the opportunity to discover the awe and wonder of nature by connecting with it and that this will engender a desire to protect and care for it.
Jane has two sons who were educated at Harrow and Oxford University. She is currently CEO of Bloom.
Qualifications: BSc Biology, Sussex University, PhD cellular biology, University of London, MSc History and Philosophy of Science, University College London.
Dom worked in education as a primary teacher for over 15 years, including 8 as a Senior Leader and Headteacher. He now works in Local Government leading wide and varied services to support community services and development. Dom is a former pupil of St James and lives locally with his young family.
Dom is the nominated governor for the Education Committee.
Qualifications: BA(Hons), PGCE, NPQH
At St James, we feel it is important to introduce our pupils to stillness and allow them to discover how to be inwardly free and deeply at ease within themselves. A short period of 5-10 minutes at the beginning and middle of every day is allocated to quietude in which pupils may meditate, contemplate or simply be still – according to their own spiritual inclinations.