How long have you been at St James?
This is my 4th year at St James.
What do you love about your job?
Each day is different from another. Teaching young minds can surprise, energise and entertain. Working with young people is a privilege and a responsibility that should never be taken for granted, but there is something wonderful about being able to leave an imprint on a child’s future.
Favourite subject at school:
Back then it was French! Nowadays, however I have to say that some of my favourite moments have come when working individually with children and celebrating the progress they make in their writing during English lessons.
What is your favourite movie?
I don’t usually enjoy movie adaptions of novels, but I love the film of Roald Dahl’s Danny the Champion of the World.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Playing the piano is the hobby that I refer to most often. It uplifts me when I most need it to and has brought me so many amazing experiences. I do also enjoy all sports (playing and watching) and sometimes disturb my neighbours when cheering my teams on!
Do you have any hidden talents or fun facts?
My great, great grandfather was King George V’s butler! I have seen a letter written by his wife (Queen Mary) hearing how sorry she was to hear of his passing.
What animal do you identify with?
I had better say a kangaroo given that I am married to an Australian!
Wise words:
Do things for people. Not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.