“We understand that choosing the right educational setting for your child is important to you.”
We look forward to welcoming you to our school.
Families are encouraged to visit the school before making an application.
Coming into the Prep School building, and watching us at work is very important. You will pick up on the very special sense of place we have here – one part calm and focus, the other a buzz and joy for learning – which makes St James so unique, and such a popular choice for parents who want their children to be their best and love learning.
Individual tours are also held throughout the year. We look forward to welcoming you to the “hidden gem” that is St James Nursery & Preparatory School.
To register your child for a place at St James, you will need to:
Children entering Nursery, Reception and Year 1 will need to:
Children entering in Year 2 upwards will need to:
International applicants
We invite overseas applicants who are looking for a place in Years 2 to 6 to meet with the Headmistress and complete a CAT4 test online or a written English and Maths test. Children can then be placed in the correct form group for their ability.
The interview with the Head is as much an opportunity to discuss your child’s individual strengths and needs, as a chance to ask any questions you may have about life at St James.
The Taster Days or Mornings are also opportunities to try out the school and for us to get to know your child a little more.
Please note that we will ask for your child’s most recent school report and any other relevant documentation.
Notification as to whether we can offer your child a place will be sent to you once all these steps have been completed.
Places are offered in order of registration, whilst ensuring an even spread of birth dates, boys and girls and following our sibling priority policy.
Once a place is offered, an acceptance deposit payment must be paid to secure the place.
The deposit is £2,000 for the Prep School, and £1,700 for the Nursery (whole term’s fee for non-UK residents), and is returned when your child leaves the school.
Further information can be found in our Terms and Conditions.
Admission to our nursery is non-selective and children can join at the age of two. There is automatic transfer from our Nursery to Reception at the Prep School.
We recommend that you register your child for entry into Reception when they are between the ages of one and two years old. We contact all parents who have registered for a place to join Reception one year prior to entry.
We require a satisfactory report from your child’s current nursery school, if applicable, and priority is given to our Nursery pupils and siblings of current pupils.
Several children join us in Year 3 or 4 to benefit from our 11+ provision while also having the option to continue to our Senior Schools. We like to think this is the best of both worlds. Please contact Admissions for further details on availability in these year groups.
In-year places occasionally become available during the academic year.
You are most welcome to register your child for an in-year place in any year group and our Registrar will be on-hand to walk you through the Admissions process.
We invite applications from overseas and our international pupils are warmly welcomed to St James. We would ideally like you to visit St James for yourself to see all that is on offer, but understand that this is not always possible. We can facilitate the admission process online.
Our schools are a Sponsor for UK Visa and Immigration and are licensed to support CAS for Child Student Visas.
Please contact Admissions for further information on availability of places and procedures.
If you would like any further information or have further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
At St James, we feel it is important to introduce our pupils to stillness and allow them to discover how to be inwardly free and deeply at ease within themselves. A short period of 5-10 minutes at the beginning and middle of every day is allocated to quietude in which pupils may meditate, contemplate or simply be still – according to their own spiritual inclinations.