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Celebrating World Book Day 2023
March 3, 2023

Celebrating World Book Day 2023

The day began with excitement as an array of unusual characters turned up to school…Daisy Wong and Hazel Wells, Rosa Parks, King Arthur, Alice and the White Rabbit, Mulan, Charlie Bucket, Matilda, a terrifyingly realistic Miss Trunchbull, several lions – Aslan perhaps – the White Witch, Marcus Rashford and very nearly 101 dalmatians, to name just a few

During assembly we were treated to a catwalk parade by each class, showing off their wonderful outfits, and heard about some of the character choices, especially clever from Karim who came as his grandfather, Fouad, who has written an autobiography!

The Library was temporarily transformed into Narnia complete with a wardrobe, fur coats to push through, the lamp post, Mr Tumnus’s tea, the witch’s lair with Turkish delight and warm, creamy drinks and all presided over by the stately figure of Aslan.

Then came the almost impossible job of judging the best book corner decorations.  Mrs Kourtis and her two pupil librarians, Isita and Emily, toured all the classrooms marvelling at the attention to detail.  Year 5I had gone all out to create a crime scene representing their favourite Murder Most Unladylike series, complete with clues, crime reports, detective records and especially delicious looking cream buns. We also had scenes from the Jungle Book with vines, creepers, and a fantastic array of jungle animals including King Louis, Baloo, Bagheera and Ka plus a brilliant mosaic version of Mowgli himself.  There was Camp Half-blood – the judges particularly liked the cartoons of the gods, especially supercool Ares -, Paddington station, beautifully drawn out with handmade marmalade sandwiches hanging from the ceiling, Paddington’s trademark coat, hat and boots, an enormous label asking us to please take care of this bear and so much more.  Reception had a Jack and the Beanstalk theme, whilst year 1C had drawn and written about their favourite book characters with remarkable skill and year 1L had a beautiful worry area with a sofa for chatting, a box to post their worries into,  a vast array of different coloured feelings blobs and all beautifully illustrated with scenes from Tom Percival’s wonderful Ruby’s Worry.  Year 3 had cleverly made their own wardrobe from Narnia and really gone to town on the snowy, winter theme, whilst year 4 was all Harry Potter – each house represented with paper chains, all the books beautifully displayed, an array of memorabilia, maps and sweet treats and a floating Nimbus 2000! It really was an impossible choice but the winner is….

Class 5J with their Jungle book themed corner. Congratulations!

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The Pause

At St James, we feel it is important to introduce our pupils to stillness and allow them to discover how to be inwardly free and deeply at ease within themselves. A short period of 5-10 minutes at the beginning and middle of every day is allocated to quietude in which pupils may meditate, contemplate or simply be still – according to their own spiritual inclinations.

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