
Pastoral Care

At St James, we don’t just see pupils who are here to learn, we see people who are here to thrive.

Pastoral care is overseen by our Heads of Year and the Assistant Headmaster Pastoral, all of which are trained mental health first aiders. Supporting this system, we also have ELSA’s (emotional literacy support assistants) along with an in-school counsellor. This tiered approach provides tailored support for each individual pupil that may require it.

Each of our pupils are assigned to both a house and a form, wherever possible the pupil will have the same form tutor in Year 7 & 8 and through 9 –11. This helps to ensure that each pupil’s individual needs are known and therefore cared for.

We are also extremely fortunate that our timetable allows for each student to receive PSHE as a structured lesson each week. This ensures that important topics such as drugs and alcohol, grieve and loss, sex and relationships are all covered with the depth and care that they deserve, and the student voice can play an important part of this subject. As part of the PSHE programme we of course invite specialist external speakers to talk on many of these topics.

As well as teacher support we also have a well-established peer buddying and mentoring programme.

In this, our new Year 7 pupils are buddied with both a Year 8 pupil and a member of our 6th form, allowing them to receive guidance from older pupils. This gives the younger students valuable insight as to how to thrive and adjust to new modes of study and schooling.

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