During the first week in September, our Year 11 and Year 13 boys were on work experience. There were a variety of placements, charity stores, nursery schools, gyms and sport clubs, Kingston John Lewis to name a few, there were also more specialist placements at companies where parents worked, we even had one placement at The National Archives and two placements at hospitals observing surgeons at work. A couple of boys did their placements over the summer at companies in other countries where they had family connections.
The boys were asked to reflect on their experiences and these were some of the comments:
- I enjoyed being able to apply the skills I learned in DT to the real world .- Jack H
- The highlight was I got to see real time oil drilling and real time oil drill data – Saken M
- I enjoyed helping people fill in their application forms as I liked to learn about their situations – Yaqub W
- The person who impressed me was the workshop manager, as he worked really hard all day carrying furniture and fixing it – Sahil S
- I did well in following orders and learnt how to deal with mail orders – Edward H
- I enjoyed learning the basics and controls of the design software sketchup – Will S
- The person who impressed me was my manager because he made my code far more efficient – Saarthak S
- I was working on lighting, getting CG objects into the scene with correct layering and reflections to look natural – Tristan F
Well done to all parents for finding these placements and allowing the boys to grow in independence and life experience.
Work experience for the current Year 10s and 12s will take place at the start of September 2024 and Mr Michalski will be in touch with the necessary information at the start of the new year.
Ms Williams