As with all pupils, those with SEND or EAL are very well supported by all teachers to attain the best possible results in formal examinations.
We aim to identify any learning differences as soon as possible when a pupil joins the school so that intervention, support, and exam access arrangements can be put in place. Teachers know how to refer pupils to the Learning Development department for further assessment or support for unmet needs. As with all pupils, those with SEND or EAL are very well supported by all teachers to attain the best possible results in formal examinations.
Pupils are encouraged to be resilient and to be aware of their own uniqueness and personal strengths.
Specialist teachers are available to provide learning support where the needs of the pupil are within resources available to the school at the time. We also work with tutors, educational psychologists, speech and language therapists, art therapists, CAMHS, psychiatrists and other medical professionals and social workers where appropriate.
Pupils learn in sets for mathematics from Year 7, for Latin and French from Year 8 and for the sciences and English from Year 9 as appropriate. Aligning the pace of learning with their starting points and learning needs ensures pupils are challenged appropriately and given the individual attention required. Progress is reviewed at the end of every term, with adjustments made wherever necessary.
We offer Learning Development classes in lieu of Sanskrit, Classical Civilisation and/or Latin for Years 7-9 which help develop core subject knowledge in maths/English/science as needed. For Years 10-13 the Head of Learning Development conducts work during study periods, often to address areas such as organisation, time management, study skills and exam technique. There are options to attend homework club and support with touch typing for those who use or would benefit from using a word processer as their normal way of working.